Description of the Entrance Exam
Communication and Media Studies BA
University of Debrecen
It is very important that the applicant, as part of their application process, has to create and submit a short video material (video report, video essay) on an issue concerning a greater community, but also experienced personally by the applicant.
The English-speaking video has to discuss its topic articulately, and it should give voice to different–but English-speaking–actors of or viewpoints on the chosen issue. The applicant, as the creator of the video, has to appear in her/his own video (even in the introduction or in the conclusion).
Materials made by smart phones are gladly welcomed, there is no need for advanced technical equipment. Now, for us, the message and the argument is more important than the quality of the editing.
The video (min. time length 3 minutes, max. time length 6 minutes) is to be uploaded into a YouTube-account, not in a public view (“Visibility: Unlisted”), but it has to be accessible with its link which the applicant has to send to our email-address:
We hold an online conversation with the applicants. Obviously, the applicant is to give a short presentation on her/his life path, professional track record (if it is relevant), and the motivations of her/his application. Then the applicant is to provide a summary of a chapter which she/he has chosen in advance from an assigned textbook. We will have a conversation which focus on the applicant’s understanding and use of the topics, terms, and viewpoints of the chosen textbook chapter. During the conversation the applicant has also talk about the aims and interests that motivated her/his choice of the chapter.
The assigned textbook:
The applicant has to choose one from the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction to Communication and Media Studies
Chapter 2: Media, Society, Culture, and You
Chapter 15: Advertising, Public Relations, and Propaganda
Chapter 16: Digital Culture: Social Media, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality