Expert in Communication BA program (Communication and Media Studies BA with journalism specialization) at the University of Debrecen
Bachelor’s Degree
Accredited in 2024
Divisions/Streams: the BA program includes a specialization dedicated to journalism
Area/branch of training: humanities, communication and media studies
Training cycle: basic
Mode of study: full time
Faculty responsible for the training: Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Duration: 6 semesters
Number of credits required for a degree: 180
Number of contact classes: min. 1484 contact classes + classes from optional courses
Time and type of and credits for internship: 5th semester, 120 hours, 10 credits
Level of qualification to be acquired and its indication in the diploma:
level of qualification: basic degree (bachelor, BA)
qualification in English: Expert in Communication
Area of training: humanities, communication and media studies
Branch of training: communication and media studies
Duration of training: 6 semesters
Number of credits required for the basic degree: 180
“Human and Society” field of knowledge: 9 credits
“Social communication” field of knowledge: 6 credits
“Social Scientific Basic Knowledge” field of knowledge: 6 credits
“Social Psychological Basic Knowledge” field of knowledge: 12 credits
“Basic Practices Modul” field of knowledge: 9 credits
“Communication Competence Development” field of knowledge: 14 credits
“Communication Scenes” field of knowledge: 6 credits
“The Theories and Model of Communication” field of knowledge: 25 credits
“The Medial Aspects of Communication” field of knowledge: 9 credits
“Culture and Communication” field of knowledge: 6 credits
“Visual Communication” field of knowledge: 6 credits
“Professional Practical Knowledge” field of knowledge: 40 credits
Internship program: 10 credits
Thesis: 12 credits
Optional courses: 10 credits
Aim of the program
The aim of the program is to provide a multilayered outline of the main theoretical frameworks and the current analytical methods of communication and media studies. The introductory courses give insights into the social scientific contexts of our area, then into the autonomous logic and various aspects of communication and media studies. The curriculum provides a separate track of courses (“specialization”) focusing on journalism. Overall, the program is intended to develop the students’ awareness in media usage, content creation and official communicative acts. The students will also acquire the basic problem-solving and communication skills which are essential in any workplace settings for understanding the contemporary complexities of organizational life and also for operating effectively in teamwork.
Those having taken their BA degrees are expected to
a) Knowledge
- know the most important elements of the terminology of social science, understand the connections that form the basis of the academic interpretation of society and social communication
- know the connections related to the functioning of society and its academic contexts
- know and understand the mechanisms of social phenomena and their subsystems studied by communication and media studies
- have an overview of the normative systems and operating practices of the social spheres, that is institutions related to the field of communication and media studies, i.e. economy, politics, science, art, morality, religion, language and law
- know the most important factors of the social, structural, economic and political processes determining the field of communication and media
- have confident methodological knowledge, understand the possibilities and perspectives of methodological innovation
b) Abilities
- be able to navigate among the deeper connections of the field, as well as among the actual problems of society, or communication and media studies raised by practice, as well as the possible solutions of these problems
- be able to process effectively new knowledge elements in the professional field; confidently manage printed and digital literature sources, databases of social and media studies
- be able to compare and synthesize the basic theories and concepts of social communication, able to elaborate rational arguments, that is, to form and defend her/his own opinion during discussions taking place in different areas of communication
- build on her/his own basic theoretical knowledge, be able to develop a working hypothesis intended to analyze facts and the real relations of processes of the different areas of social communication, and be able to develop the most appropriate empirical method for this analysis
- be able to conduct a thorough and detailed analysis of the facts acquired at the different levels and in the areas of communication, learned from both theoretical and practical work experiences, and also be able to reveal the connections from these results
- be able to make realistic judgments – in the field of communication and media studies – based on the acquired information, and also be able to propose autonomous recommendations based on the conclusions
- confidently use the terminology of the field, and the basic academic concepts of the profession
- at the level of practical applicability, be able to make decisions in the field of her/his own expertise (i.e. during interpersonal, group, public, organizational, intercultural and mass communication decision-making processes)
c) Attitude
- be open to the dynamic and value-based acceptance of social changes, receptive to adapt viewpoints that fight against prejudices
- accept that cultural phenomena are historically and socially determined, and alterable
- accept the religious, social, historical and contemporary diversity of Hungarian and European identity, and be willing to represent these value
- have a need to learn about cultures outside of Europe, and have an open and accepting attitude towards these cultures
- accept and consistently embrace the diverse thinking of social studies, and authentically represents its conceptual foundations in her/his narrower and wider environment
- be sensitive and open to serious social problems, her/his approach is permeated by the professional and human solidarity towards the downtrodden and the vulnerable
- be committed to social equality, democratic values in all areas of life, the rule of law and the European community of values, and can express one’s opinion appropriately
- be open to all forms of professional innovation, receptive, but not unthinkingly accepting of theoretical, practical and methodological innovations
- be open to critical self-evaluation, various forms of professional training and the self-development methods related to the world view of the intelligentsia, and aim to develop her-/himself in these areas
- be capable of learning and continuously developing communication skills, and have the ability of self-reflection on her/his abilities in the field
- self-consciously and responsibly stand for the compliance and protection of the legal, ethical and professional norms of society, as well as stand for the norms of her/his professional field and workplace
- consciously represent the professional methods which the she/he uses and accepts the different methodological characteristics of other disciplines
- accept and implements a health-preserving approach and way of life
d) Autonomy and responsibility
- in the professional circles of communication and media studies, take part autonomously and pro-actively in the realization of the approach of society she/he accepts
- form a historically and politically coherent individual viewpoint that helps the development and awareness of one and one’s environment
- in a professional work community, be able to perform and manage complex tasks according to the professional expectations of the workplace
- organize, independently and responsibly her/his own work and the activities of her/his subordinates
- present her/his views as a sovereign actor in both professional and social areas, represent responsibly her/his profession, organization and professional group with responsibility
- be independent, constructive and assertive in the different forms of cooperation within and outside the institution
- take responsibility for the professional materials written in her/his native language, as well as, in a foreign language, and be aware of their possible consequences
Course |
Hrs/week |
Requirement |
Credits |
Prerequisite |
Semester |
“Human and Society” field of knowledge |
History of Philosophy |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
1 |
The Bases of Cultural Anthropology |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
3 |
The Bases of Political Science |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
4 |
“Social Communication” field of knowledge |
Media Politics |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
4 |
Media Law and Media Ethics |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
6 |
“Social Scientific Basic Knowledge” field of knowledge |
Introduction to Sociology |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
1 |
Internet from Social Science Perspective |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
3 |
“Social Scientific Basic Knowledge” field of knowledge |
The Main Areas of Psychology |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
2 |
Strategic Communication |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
1 |
Marketing |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
3 |
Business Innovation |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
3 |
“Basic Practices Modul” field of knowledge |
The Analysis of Media Texts |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
1 |
Media Lab 1 |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
1 |
Media Lab 2 |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
2 |
“Communication Competence Development” field of knowledge |
Presentation Techniques |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
2 |
Writing Practice |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
2 |
Protocol |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
3 |
Foreign Language for Special Purposes |
2 |
sem |
2 |
- |
3 |
Methods of Communication Training |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
4 |
“Communication Scenes” field of knowledge |
Media Culture Course |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
2 |
Popular Music Scene |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
3 |
“The Theories and Model of Communication” field of knowledge |
Introduction to Media Studies |
2 |
sem |
3 |
1 |
Communication Theory 1 |
2 |
exam |
4 |
- |
1 |
Communication Theory 2 |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
2 |
Media Culture in the 19th-20th Centuries |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
4 |
Transmediality |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
6 |
Media Industry Course 1 |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
3 |
Media Industry Course 2 |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
3 |
Media Industry Course 3 |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
3 |
“The Medial Aspects of Communication” field of knowledge |
Media Theory |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
1 |
Media Archeology |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
2 |
Institutions and Genres of the Press |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
2 |
“Culture and Communication” field of knowledge |
Cultural Festival Communication |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
4 |
The Media History of Theatre |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
5 |
“Visual Communication” field of knowledge |
Film Industry |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
1 |
Script Writing |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
2 |
“Professional Practical Knowledge” field of knowledge |
Press and Media Relations |
2 |
exam |
3 |
- |
4 |
Genres of the Press |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
4 |
Editing and Analyzing News in the Press |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
4 |
Press Photo |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
4 |
Radio Studio Training |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
4 |
Television Studio Training |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
5 |
Advocacy and Journalism |
2 |
sem |
4 |
- |
5 |
The Practice of Journalism |
2 |
sem |
4 |
- |
5 |
Report |
2 |
sem |
4 |
- |
5 |
Creative Writing |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
6 |
Opinion Journalism Genres |
2 |
sem |
3 |
- |
6 |
Media Economics |
2 |
exam |
4 |
- |
6 |
Compulsory Internship Program |
10 |
5 |
Thesis |
cons |
12 |
- |
5-6 |
Optional Courses |
10 |
- |
The structure and content of the Final Exam in Communication and Media Studies BA
Admission requirements for the final examination:
- A record of having successfully completed all the required credits (“Absolutorium”)
- The thesis submitted (and assessed in writing)
Description of the final exam:
- The Final Exam is an oral examination
- The Final Exam Committee consists of three members. Members: the chair of the Final Exam Committee, a member of the department, and an external expert
Content of the Final Exam:
- Thesis defense: students are expected to be able to provide reasons for their choice of topic, to place the chosen topic in a larger context, to present a reflective presentation of the literature on their topic, to use the concepts of the topic in a meaningful way, to argue for the methods used, to present further research possibilities in their topic.
- Assessment of disciplinary knowledge and verification of competence: an individual oral presentation of two topics (each consisting of fifteen pages of literature, provided by the supervisor) related to the subject of the final paper.
Evaluation of the Final Exam:
- In calculating the overall mark, we give equal weight to the mark for the thesis defense and the two additional marks for each of the two oral presentation of the two given topics. The final mark is the simple arithmetic average of these marks.
- If any part of the final examination is unsatisfactory, the Final Exam must be repeated under the provisions of the Faculty Appendix to the Regulations for Studies and Examinations.
Topics for the Final Exam:
1. Communication theory
2. Media theory and media analysis
3. History of technical media
4. Media aesthetics
5. Cultural studies of the media
6. Media and politics
7. Sport and media
8. Marketing and advertising
9. Public relations and organizational communication
10. The genres of journalism
11. The function and practice of journalism
12. Media economics